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UK based, SIRPA provides a cutting edge approach to chronic pain as well as other persistent symptoms, in order to help people regain their lives.
PPD Assocation
US based, The Psychophysiologic Disorders Association is a nonprofit with a mission to end the chronic pain epidemic and opioid crisis by advancing the awareness, diagnosis and treatment of neuroplastic symptoms that affect millions worldwide.
Unlearn your pain
Dr Howard Schubiner is one of the leading voices in this revolution of chronic pain recovery, his website is full of helpful resources, explanations and a link to purchase his book.
Hope for Healing Interview Series
Series of interviews conducted between doctors and patients detailing their recovery stories.
Like Mind, Like Body Podcast
Part of the curable app, fantastic patient recovery stories and expert discussions with doctors and therapists practicing this work.
Tell Me About your pain Podcast
Alan Gordan is another leading voice in this field, this podcast includes live demonstrations of Alan working with patients helping them overcome their symptoms.
The Mind and Fitness Podcast
Eddie Lindenstein is an elite athlete, who recovered from chronic pain using these methods and has now interviewed hundreds of patients and experts about their own journeys.
Mind Body Mastery Podcast
Katelyn Michaels was an acupuncturist, who also has her own chronic pain recovery story and she has interviewed many patients and experts about their own experiences.
Chronic Pain your key to recovery – Georgie Oldfield
SIRPA’s founder and the author, Georgie Oldfield MCSP, and shares with you the evidence behind the SIRPA approach and the strategies you can implement to begin your journey of recovery.
Unlearn your pain – Dr Howard Schubiner
One of the leading voices in this movement. Using cutting-edge research, this book demonstrates that the underlying reason for much chronic pain is nerve sensitization and learned nerve pathways, rather than actual tissue destruction.
The way out – Alan Gordon & Alon Ziv
Providing an easy-to-follow guide to ending your pain with PRT . Drawing on cutting-edge research along with his own experiences as a chronic pain sufferer.
Explain Pain – David S. Butler, G. Lorimer Moseley
This classic text demystifies the process of understanding and treating pain by explaining how pain experiences are constructed. Very scientific, but easy to read, with lots of great diagrams.