
all MRI scans are abnormal

short video created by Dr Howard Schubiner and Dr Sohrab Gollogly (spine surgeon) explaining the normal aging that shows up in MRI scans

what is pain?

3 minute overview of what pain is

the brain creates pain

5 minute explanation of how the brain creates pain signals

neural pathways

3 minute explanation of how neural circuits are created in the brain

trauma and the nervous system: a polyvagal perspective

Great explanation of the autonomic nervous system and what happens when we are under constant stress, or trauma

breakthrough with healing chronic pain

Dr Howard Schubiner is one of the leading voices in this field, he is an engaging speaker and this speech is well worth watching for a thorough explanation of everything that is happening when someone is suffering from chronic pain.  Make a cuppa and settle in for this one

rubber man experiment: magic for humans

Fascinating video of an experiment carried out that really demonstrates just how much our brain can misinterpret signals.  This is one you will want to show your whole family

changing your mind: chronic pain and the brain

10minute documentary by Alison Chernick, about the Boulder back pain study, and the effects of PRT pain reprocessing therapy showing how the brain can be the solution to treating chronic pain without requiring medication or surgery.  Also Vince Vaughan, unlike how you have ever seen him before !